Unveiling the Ultimate F1 Testing Haven: Where Science Meets Sorcery

Unveiling the Ultimate F1 Testing Haven: Where Science Meets Sorcery
Image source: motorsport
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Friday favourite: The “perfect” F1 test venue with a little bit of “magic”

Franck Montagny expressed his deep admiration for the Jerez circuit in southern Spain, calling it his favorite track due to its challenging nature and historical significance in his career. Despite never racing there competitively, Montagny enjoyed numerous test sessions at Jerez between 2002 and 2007, accumulating nearly 5,000 laps for Renault, Toyota, and Force India. He considered Jerez particularly well-suited for the Renault car during his tenure, praising the track’s technical characteristics and its role in car development. Montagny highlighted the unique features of Jerez, such as its bumpy surface and lack of nearby hotels, which added to its allure for him as a driver. He fondly remembered his early days at Jerez in 2002, where he first tested for Renault and felt a special connection to the track that endured throughout his career.

Tovább a cikkhez

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